
Meet the 咨询中心工作人员



罗伯特Cardom (he/him), PhD, Director and Licensed Psychologist

罗伯特在肯塔基大学获得咨询心理学博士学位,在那里 他完成了火博体育酷儿心理健康和预防的研究和临床工作 suicide, and the benefits of racially diverse friend groups.  从那以后,他一直在继续 关注大学生心理健康,特别关注睡眠、应对 通过种族创伤和其他基于身份的经历,培训治疗师 keep a multicultural lens in their work. As a therapist, he finds meaning in the stories 对于学生来说,改变我们的经历所迫使的无益的根深蒂固的信念 us to internalize, and finding new ways of speaking to ourselves.  他也是一个支持者 在关系中建立健康的界限,确保我们的需求在尊重的同时得到满足 他人的需要. In the community he is an advocate for suicide prevention and 他很高兴能加入火博体育咨询中心 tradition of hosting the Out of the Darkness Walk. (注册在 http://afsp.org/skidmore)


安琪拉的银行 (她/她的), PsyD, Associate Director of Counseling and Inclusion

安吉拉在惠顿学院获得了博士学位,在那里她完成了研究重点 火博体育保健差距和为服务不足的个人保留保健的问题 社区. She has extensive experience working with college students and emerging adults in both private practice and college counseling center settings. 她的领域 重点包括与BIPOC和其他边缘化/少数民族学生合作,如 在处理与身份、归属感、自尊、生活转变有关的问题时, 以及生活的选择. She values collaboration in her work with others and uses strength 基于多元文化和关系的方法来帮助提高学生的幸福感. 安吉拉相信并倡导社区、归属感和对自己的同情 对其他人来说. It is her hope to provide a space where all people feel like they 属于. 


詹妮弗·斯坦利 (她/她)办事处协调员

Jinny于2015年获得SUNY IT通信与信息设计学士学位. 随后,她在回收领域工作了几年,担任会计 Manager and a Client Development Executive. Following a relocation to 萨拉托加温泉市, 她决定转行,加入了火博体育大学咨询中心 as the Office Coordinator in October 2021. Jinny is a strong advocate for therapy 和咨询. She knows from personal experience just how challenging it can feel to ask for help or guidance. Her personal goal as the Office Coordinator is to ensure 每个人都能得到他们需要的帮助,并在需要的时候感受到支持 they interact with the office.


伊丽莎白·格林博士 (她/她的), Case Management Consultant 

伊丽莎白在宾夕法尼亚州立大学获得了学校心理学博士学位,在那里她 concentrated on clinical psychology in adolescents.  She has extensive experience 与那些表现出学习差异,多动症,焦虑和 情绪障碍.  她的领域 of professional interest include: social and school anxiety; the impact of self-esteem on interpersonal relationships; performance anxiety in student-athletes; and the importance of nutrition and appropriate self-care for mental health & 健康.  伊丽莎白喜欢发展与学生和合并的合作关系 认知行为和以解决方案为中心的技术来帮助他们更好地理解 他们的需求,并制定切实可行的策略,以实现学术和社会 成功. 


香农·霍夫曼 (她/她), LMSW,临床医生 

香农在该大学获得临床社会福利硕士学位 奥尔巴尼. She has experience working in both teletherapy and in-person settings supporting 有LGBTQAI+和文化认同和归属感问题的客户,危机干预, 悲伤和失去,绝症,慢性疼痛管理,家庭或起源和 物质使用问题. She believes in student’s abilities to develop the skills 有必要在他们的关系中更深入地享受健康的亲密和交流 with themselves and others. 通过 a trauma-informed and strengths-based psychoanalytic 方法,香农使用的框架意义疗法和身体和内在的儿童治疗 共同创造一个以解决方案为中心的积极空间,让学生感到自己被赋予了权力 对他们的情况,症状和经历诚实,充满希望和 confident about their ability to be 成功ful students.


Camila Prigol Machado (她/她的), 文学士,临床实习医师

卡米拉在巴西南卡西亚斯大学获得心理学学士学位. 她是心理健康咨询硕士的第二年学生 University 奥尔巴尼 (SUNY). She has experience working in Brazil in inpatient and 门诊设置,并为不同群体提供个人和团体治疗 of patients of all ages from the Brazilian Universal Health Care System (SUS).通过 一种精神分析和多元文化的方法,卡米拉相信病人可以找到 当提供给病人一个被邀请的空间时,他们的经历赋予了新的意义 to tell their story with their own words. This experience encourages the patients 用他们自己的声音,反思发生在他们身上的事情,并整合他们的经历 了解他们现在的样子. She also finds it essential to develop critical consciousness 与我们的生活,社会环境和压迫制度有关. She is very excited to work and learn from Skidmore students! She is especially excited to work with international students.


泰勒Rashkow (她/她的), LMHC,临床医生

Taylor is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and an Upstate New York native. 她收到了 她在卡泽诺维亚学院获得心理学学士学位,心理学硕士学位 阿德菲大学临床心理健康咨询硕士学位 锡拉丘兹大学. She has experience working with all ages in school systems, private practice, and colleges and universities. While she loves and appreciates every part 在人类的经历中,她对饮食失调特别感兴趣 饮食,身份形成,原生家庭问题,关系建立/沟通, anxiety, trauma, the student-athlete experience, and major life transitions (like 大学经历!). She practices with humanistic, person-centered, and existential 方法. She uses these perspectives to reduce anxiety, improve the authenticity of life experiences, and form positive and nurturing therapeutic relationships as 治疗的基础. Taylor believes that the individual is the expert on their own 经验和她总是努力建立一个公平和合作的竞争环境 咨询室. It’s her hope to provide meaningful relationships, coping/life 为学生提供技能和安全的空间,以改善他们的心理健康,自我意识, 和体现. 


科琳对K. 莱特 (她/她的), LMHC,临床医生

Coleen is a staff clinician at the 咨询中心. 她收到了 her Master’s in 毕业于那洛巴大学心理学专业,获得TESOL专业教学硕士学位 from the School for International Training. Coleen is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor 在纽约州. Coleen’s primary clinical 方法 are mindfulness-based therapy, trauma-informed treatment, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and crisis intervention. 她通过丰富的工作经验获得了显著的跨文化能力 with diverse populations. Over the past thirteen years, Coleen has enjoyed working 在临终关怀/临终关怀,家庭创伤治疗,寄养预防服务, outpatient mental health, and private practice. Coleen’s areas of expertise are treating 创伤后应激,悲伤/失去,情绪障碍,焦虑症,压力管理, healthy relationships, identity formation, and life transitions. Coleen is a strength-based, 以学生为中心的临床医生,与学生合作支持策略 to improve functioning, well-being, and quality of life.  Coleen believes that mental health is key to students thriving at Skidmore.