


对于许多写毕业论文而不去读研究生的人来说,这 activity 五月 be the most sustained, rigorous, and challenging academic experience 他们的生活. A senior thesis not only builds upon the knowledge that you have gained 在你的学习计划中,运用你的研究和沟通技巧 掌握了,是不是也有机会了解一个你感兴趣的话题 在一个非常深刻的层面上. Further, by the end of the experience you should be an authority 在你选择研究的问题上,能够表达你的观点 给别人看.  

五月 撰写毕业论文?

那些有合理期望从火博体育学院毕业的学生 总平均分3分.0 or higher and who anticipate achieving at least a 3.5平均绩点 in their major meet the minimum requirements.

然而,并不是所有达到或期望达到这些最低要求的学生 允许写论文吗. Rather, only those students who have successfully presented a research proposal are invited to write a thesis. 此外,为了写提案, each student must have the support of a faculty member who is willing to guide her 项目建议书和毕业论文. 所以在实践中,只有那些 满足最低学历要求,并在该项目中享有盛誉 such that a faculty member judges them capable of conducting independent research 在他们的学科可以写论文. 


如果你的表现非常好,你应该考虑写一篇毕业论文 在你所上的300级课程中如果有一个话题或问题 你想知道更多火博体育. Further, you should consider writing a senior thesis 如果你对一对一的教学感兴趣,这是非常困难的 材料,如果你有兴趣学习如何进行持续检查 of a topic using the methods you have learned about in your discipline.

What is the process for writing a senior thesis?

The senior thesis is a yearlong project and a very important learning experience, 一个由指导老师悉心指导的人,一个被认真对待的人 由学生提出. The thesis is necessarily a unique process for each student and her/his Advisor,并且必须对其进行定制,通常在流程本身中通过反复试验来实现. The following timeline and procedures are suggestions for the student and faculty 遵循. However, the most important checkpoints are marked with asterisks and bolded. 

There are two basic tracks for writing a senior thesis.

  1. 第一种方法是在大四的秋天做一项独立研究 论文开题的结果. Pending this proposal’s approval, the student 仍在继续 with the writing of the senior thesis in the spring of the senior year.
  2. The second involves consulting with a faculty with whom one has taken a 300-level 或者和你一起上300级课程并提出建议的人 expand a research paper into a thesis during the 春季学期. 就像第一首歌一样, 该提案通常会在秋季学期结束时提交审批 在大四的时候,如果被批准,学生将会写毕业论文 他或她高三的春天.* This option is only open to those who have achieved an A- or above in the seminar that is the jumping-off point for the thesis. 

*注意: Given approval of the department chair and for reasons typically pertaining to an 提前毕业日期或出国留学,即完成这些任务的学期 可以调整.    



  1. **Before April registration, chair distributes information to all junior majors about the senior thesis.
  2. **In April, interested students talk with individual faculty members and/or the department chair to identify a thesis advisor. 
  3. 学生/导师开始关注话题.
  4. **在300级的研讨会上还没有写过a或a -论文的学生 在毕业论文所选择的主题上,将需要在4月注册,或者 适当的300级研讨会或独立研究(RE或PH371)采取 在秋天.
  5. **Students will also need to register to take LI 371 在秋天 if they have not 我已经学过LI 371或372了.
  6. 老师和学生再次确认,讨论暑假要做的工作, 并建议学生在秋季学期开始时订购他们需要的书籍 所以时间不会浪费在秋天.


  1. 第一周上课: 与教员再次确认意向. During the drop/add 期, student reconfirms his/her 承诺完成一篇论文,并在第一周结束时开会制定时间表 for meetings and readings (including a rough written schedule); any remaining books 是命令.
  2. * *会议 to explore the subject with the aim of focusing a topic by Thanksgiving.
  3. ** 11月初,学生注册 PH或re376的春季课程(学生可以在1月份的drop/add周放弃这一课程) if later s/he decides against doing a thesis).
  4. 10月/ 11月论文选题的文献检索 LI 371,如果以前没有服用的话.
  5. 十月底:学生向部门提交他们的主题的简短描述 提供反馈和指导.
  6. November 15: first draft of thesis proposal due to advisor. 提案应该概述 出以下内容:
    i) The problem, issue, or theme that the thesis will explore.
    ii) Situate the thesis in terms of scholarly work on the subject.
    iii)解释为什么这个问题,问题,或主题是重要的,什么是论文 will add to our understanding of this problem, issue, or theme.
    iv) What the form of the final project will be.
    v)解释论文将如何使用(i)和(iii)逐步接近主题。 as a guide and taking care to explain what each section does and how each section compliments the one before and after it in terms of building the argument.
    vi) 时间轴 for completion, allowing time for multiple drafts
    vii) Primary- and secondary-source bibliography, annotated to show how each source 说明论文的论点.

  7. Monday before Thanksgiving: revised proposal due to advisor; revision process 仍在继续.

  8. ** 12月1日:毕业论文开题 (包括参考书目) due to advisor and chair; chair distributes proposals to all faculty.

  9. ** 12月1-10日:部门会议 to discuss, approve/reject, and provide feedback on thesis proposals; discuss if second readers will be employed and if so, arrange for them.

  10. After approval of proposal, advisor meets with student to convey the faculty’s suggestions and to map out the work to be done during 1月 break.


Students work on theses and enjoy it immensely.


  1. 第一周上课: Faculty meet with students to discuss work done in 1月 and to plan the writing schedule; discuss if student 应该继续写论文还是放弃它,并在删除/添加结束之前决定 期.
  2. 第二周:制定一份书面时间表,列出草稿、修改稿和定稿的截止日期 drafts of chapters; perhaps a revised proposal topic or even a draft of the introduction 论文到此为止.
  3. **By the third week, the chair confers informally with advisors about the progress and prospect of the thesis.
  4. 每周(也许是两周一次)会议 讨论各章的草稿和修订.
  5. 讨论论文的结构,章节之间的过渡,论文陈述, introduction, conclusion, and scholarly form.
  6. 春假前的周一:论文大部分的草稿,包括 introduction and thesis statement, is due to the advisor; faculty return draft to student before vacation and discuss the work that will be done during vacation.
  7. **Second Monday after vacation: Complete draft due to advisor; advisor give progress report to the chair; if a complete draft has not been turned in at this time, the advisor and chair discuss how to proceed, such as sending an unsatisfactory work notice to the student, the chair talking with the student, etc.
  8. 春假后的第二个星期五:论文学生、导师和主席 任何其他感兴趣的教师)开会,让学生向每个人提交进度报告 other about their theses; each student distributes a description of the thesis and its thesis (two pages maximum) to each student, advisor, and the chair; a good time 人人都有.
  9. 在进度报告后的一周内,主席与顾问进行非正式磋商 火博体育每个学生的进步和前景,包括任何可能的伯里克利提名; chair reminds advisors of Periclean deadline; advisors alert possible nominees about the deadline and plan a realistically impossible schedule for meeting it.
  10. Advisors discuss with students how they will do their thesis presentations. 表示 可以选择阅读论文的特定部分或进行演讲的形式吗 a synopsis of the main points and arguments. 报告之后是 在讨论期间,学生将被要求回答问题和反对意见. Though not a defense in the strict sense that the grade of the thesis will depend 在这方面,报告被认为是毕业论文经验中不可或缺的一部分.
  11. * *椅广告 and invites departmental faculty, majors, and minors to thesis presentations. 通常 these are held on a Friday afternoon during the last three weeks of class for the 春季学期.
  12. **五月的第一个星期一 论文最终版本的绝对截止日期是否要交给指导老师 for final review (advisors 五月 set an earlier deadline).
  13. **提交论文后,不得对论文进行任何形式或内容的修改.