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Details of these activities and events may change by May 18. An up-to-date final schedule, 注意时间和地点的变化,将在您到达校园后提供. 请务必在案件中心公共区域的咨询台领取一份, second floor, on 5月17日星期五, between 9 a.m. 还有5p.m. Your senior will also receive 一个副本.


伯里克利时代 Honors Forum:
伯里克利学者颁奖典礼后,毕业荣誉表彰论坛 老年人
Gannett Auditorium, Palamountain Hall

伯里克利学者奖每年举办一次,通过颁发奖项来表彰优秀人才 所有学科的杰出项目最多可获得四项奖励. 伯里克利时代 学者奖获得者在颁奖典礼上分享这一成就的荣誉 of the project open to the College community. Following these presentations, Honors 即将毕业的论坛成员将获得表彰奖章. A 随后将举行招待会,庆祝HF毕业生和伯里克利学者奖 收件人.



At The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery

Yvette Molina: A Promise to the Leaves
State Farm Mezzanine Gallery
October 21, 2023 - September 7, 2025

Yvette Molina: A Promise to the Leaves 这是邀请艺术家创造博物馆社区的系列展览中的第五场吗 space devoted to art, conversation, and contemplation. Yvette Molina presents new 艺术和设计在这个特定的地点和不断发展的装置围绕 四种元素——土、气、水、火和第五种成分——宇宙. 在聚焦 火博体育这些古老的基本物质,莫利纳提醒我们,人类,植物和 所有地球上的生物都是由恒星物质构成的,依靠元素生存. 她鼓励 我们要把关心看作是纠缠在生命圈子里的彼此关心,是否 human or non-human, is care for ourselves and for all. Throughout the exhibition’s 两年来,莫利纳一直在邀请其他艺术家在这个空间展示他们的作品,带来 结合多种视角,风格和材料,并定期重新激活 the installation’s balance between comfort and provocation.

Isaac 朱利安: Lessons of the Hour
February 3, 2024 - May 19, 2024

伦敦艺术家Isaac 朱利安 CBE RA是一位多媒体电影制作人和摄影师 以细致入微、发人深省的视觉语言将历史带入生活而闻名 that critically addresses the politics of race and gender. His film installation Lessons 《火博体育官网》由演员雷·费伦饰演19世纪的弗雷德里克·道格拉斯 abolitionist, writer, and freed slave. Open-ended narrative vignettes set in Washiongton, D.C.在伦敦和爱丁堡,道格拉斯和他的多位有影响力的女性在一起 time - including Susan B. Anthony and Ottilie Assing - dramatizing ideas of racial 性别平等. 朱利安's work reiterates Douglass's belief in the importance 以及摄影和图片制作在倡导社会正义方面的力量. 朱利安 让人联想到道格拉斯在废奴主义运动中的作用,有力地强调了其重要性 relevance to contemporary social justice struggles. Lessons of the Hour features ten 不同尺寸的屏幕悬挂沙龙风格-参考流行的十九世纪 method of arranging a group of images.


电梯 Music 48: Alone, only in flesh
February 10, 2024 - May 19, 2024

To leave, to live, then to return once again. How do we make sense of the newly unfamiliar? 期望、犹豫和新的思考在此之前、期间展开并转变, 在流散的人们被迫和/或自愿返回家园时 迁移. Alone, only in flesh 这是一场针对三位散居艺术家经历的特定地点的合作冥想吗 在陆地和水域之间,以及这些经历如何形成不可翻译的联系 to home and identity. In this exhibition, Antonius-Tín Bui, Theresa-Xuan Bui, and MIZU融合了祭坛的语言-存在,超越和传播的空间 移动电梯的阈限,欢迎所有人与未知交流. 通过结合口语诗歌,实验大提琴,传统越南语 ao戴 (服装),东南亚家居用品,亚洲小吃,装置从事 all five senses—aural, visual, haptic, olfactory, and gustatory. 月球开幕 新年横跨几个重要的日子,包括周年纪念日 of the Fall of Saigon, this installation will continually evolve. 艺术家们会 回到 Alone, only in flesh 在访问了越南和日本之后,制作了反映他们不断变化的新产品 relationships to their motherlands. In this way, the expanding exhibition invites visitors to immerse themselves in it each time anew. Alone, only in flesh 由格斯·达珀顿演唱的《火博体育官网》作为主题曲,由获奖的越南人演唱 American poet and novelist Ocean Vuong.

Senior Thesis Art Exhibit
Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery

浏览邓杨教学博物馆及艺术馆网站 for more information on these exhibitions.

12 pm
Senior Athlete Recognition Luncheon
Main Gym, Williamson Sports Center
2:00 pm
Phi Beta Kappa Initiation
Gannett Auditorium, Palamountain Hall

Induction ceremony for new members. Faculty, staff, students, and their families are 欢迎参加. 接待之前.

3:30 pm
2024届毕业生 Brick Dedication Ceremony
Case Center Plaza (Rain plan - The Spa, Case Center)

一个简短的仪式,为老年人,家人和朋友宣布筹集到的资金总额 2024年毕业班,并奉献2024年毕业班砖路,由 为纪念2024届毕业生的家庭. 每块砖都是 上面刻着2024届学员家属的名字 Senior Family Project.


4:30–6:00 pm

President's Reception
Scribner House, 791 North Broadway (Rain plan-Murray-Aikins食堂,一楼)
马克·C总裁. 康纳和芭芭拉·雷耶斯-康纳向高年级学生、他们的客人、受托人、 faculty and staff at their home, historic Scribner House



8:00–10:00 am
Murray-Aikins Dining Hall, 火博体育大学 Campus


10:00 am
毕业典礼 Procession Formation
Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Spa State Park

老年人 arrive, pick up diplomas, and form processional.

10:30 am
Faculty members and platform party members form processional.

Audience members are asked to be seated by this time.

10:40 am

113th 毕业典礼 Exercises
Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Spa State Park

1:00–3:00 pm

毕业典礼 Reception
Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Spa State Park
来庆祝!  Please join graduates, families, friends, faculty, and staff for 毕业典礼后的庆祝酒会,以答谢和庆祝 火博体育学院2024届毕业生的杰出成就.

The 火博体育商店 will be open Friday, 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. with 15% off on branded 商品.

On Saturday, in addition to their campus store hours of 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.火博体育号 Shop will have a pop-up location at 毕业典礼. Great new 商品 and Skidmore 将提供Swag,包括文凭框架,帽子,帽衫,t恤和品牌 other gifts items for the whole family. Join us in celebrating and commemorating your time at 火博体育大学 in style and with pride.  

Where is 毕业典礼 held?

火博体育的毕业典礼在萨拉托加表演艺术中心举行, 位于萨拉托加温泉州立公园,距离校园几英里. The SPAC amphitheater is covered but not enclosed. This map will show parking, facilities, and points of 利益.