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Skidmore College
Creating Our Future: The Campaign for SKIDMORE

Skidmore Fund

Skidmore Fund

Your gifts through the Skidmore Fund help students pursue their studies and discover their passions while fueling every part of campus with resources that prioritize students and faculty.  

The Skidmore Fund surpassed its $50 million Campaign goal with the support of alumni, parents and friends. You created essential resources that are:

Flexible – meeting critical needs including an ever-growing demand for financial aid support

Transformative – supporting mentorship and collaboration between students and faculty

Immediate – enabling Skidmore to test proactively for COVID-19, helping to keep our students 安全

Work continues to provide critical operating support for all aspects of a Skidmore education and to help meet unanticipated expenses related to the pandemic and re-opening on campus. Please continue to support the Skidmore Fund with a gift by May 31, 2021, the close of the 2020-21 giving year.

$56.8 million raised

To make a gift, please visit our website or call the Office of Advancement at 518-580-5660.

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