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A student’s medical record at 卫生服务 is confidential. Information in the medical record is only released with the student’s request and written or documented verbal permission, or by judicial subpoena. The one exception to this is in a life-threatening situation when it may be necessary to release information on a need-to-know basis.

According to federal privacy laws, parents/guardians do not have the right to know if or why their student has visited 卫生服务. Students 18 years and older can 签署一份 Release of Information form to allow 卫生服务 staff to discuss care related to the specific issue or condition specified in the release of information.  Written permission (or at times verbal permission) needs to be given each time a student wants 卫生服务 to discuss care with their parents or legal guardians.

术语,  一般 Release of Information forms are not accepted.

If a student is under 18 years old, 卫生服务 staff will request the student’s permission before discussing care with parents/guardians as well.  In New York State, the provider is allowed to withhold information from a parent/guardian if: 

  • the provider thinks that it would negatively affect the student’s treatment, the relationship between the student and provider, or the relationship between the student and parent/guardian 
  • a student is over the age of 12 and objects to the disclosure 
  • the provider reasonably believes that the student is subject to abuse or neglect by a parent/guardian, disclosure could put the student in danger, and/or if they believe it is not in the student’s best interest to involve a parent/guardian 

For more information visit the New York Civil Liberties Union website specifically for teens.