News and announcements from Skidmore College


Weekly Highlights

News: Frederick Lawrence讲座,Skidmore卓越的餐饮服务团队

Human Resources: 圣罗斯学院招聘会,绩效评估信息会

‌Faculty-Staff Achievements: 埃文·麦克、詹妮弗·穆勒、普什卡拉·普拉萨德、丹尼斯·史密斯

Announcements: SUNS testing, Moseley Lecture by Giuseppe Faustini, President’s Awards, Entrepreneurial Artist Forum, SEE-Beyond Award applications, spring intramurals, library book club, solar eclipse viewing glasses

‌Athletics News: 本周有四场主场比赛:垒球、男子长曲棍球和男子网球

Upcoming Events: Dunkerley Dialogue with Yvette Molina and Adam Tinkle, "SALT — A Mosaic of Motherhood" micro-opera, 讲座:“这也是你的歌:钓鱼和当代犹太人身份”

Skidmore News

Lucy Scribner Library

‌Frederick Lawrence他是美国优等生协会(Phi Beta Kappa Society)的秘书兼首席执行官,也是言论自由方面的专家 public lecture,“挑战时代的校园言论自由”,下午5点.m. today3月20日,星期三,在甘尼特礼堂,作为他的演讲的一部分 March 19-21 residency 火博体育言论自由、表达自由、学术自由及相关问题.

Lacey Bleau mixes dough.

Skidmore Dining Services’ chocolate chip cookies and — a newer favorite — their decadent malva pudding have garnered fame from across campus and beyond; what is their recipe for success? 热情,创新,最重要的是,他们强调把学生放在最重要的位置.

Human Resources

College of Saint Rose job fair 

作为对圣罗斯学院关闭的回应, 火博体育将参加下午1点到4点的招聘会.m. 周二和周三,3月26日至27日,在麦迪逊大道1002号Massry艺术中心., Albany. 招聘经理可以会见和面试圣罗斯的员工, faculty, students, and alumni from all departments. Those interested in participating should contact Jude Klein by Friday, March 22.


  • ••••年度绩效评估过程信息会议,9-10 a.m. 3月28日,星期四,Murray-Aikins餐厅(二楼)


欲了解更多信息,包括注册详情和完整的机会列表,请访问 Professional Development and Training website.

Position openings

‌Human Resources 诚邀感兴趣的Skidmore员工提交以下职位申请材料:  

  • Tang Guide — Tang Teaching Museum

‌To apply, please access the Okta portal. 点击“Oracle HCM”,点击“我”,然后点击“当前工作”.” You can access current open positions for external applicants here.

Faculty-Staff Achievements

Evan Mack, senior teaching professor of music, co-created the opera “The Ghosts of Gatsby,” which recently premiered to sold-out audiences. Read more>>

‌Jennifer Mueller《火博体育》(Chronicle of Higher Education)引用了社会学副教授的观点.

‌Pushkala Prasad,赞克尔大学文科学生管理学教授,在会议上发表了一篇论文.

·第一响应者健康与安全实验室(FRHSL),由 Denise Smith, Tisch健康与人体生理科学特聘教授, received a national award. Read more>>


Test of the Skidmore Urgent Notification System (SUNS) 

通过火博体育紧急通知系统(太阳)的紧急通信将在下午3:30进行测试.m. Tuesday, March 26. At that time, 警报系统的测试将通过短信发送, email, and voicemail to all students, faculty, and staff registered with SUNS. 警报测试横幅也将出现在火博体育学院主页的顶部和校园内的数字标牌上. 没有在太阳注册的校园社区成员可以 register here.

‌Moseley Lecture with Giuseppe Faustini 

意大利教授朱塞佩·福斯蒂尼(Giuseppe Faustini)将主持今年的Edwin M. Moseley Faculty Lecture, “Smiling Pages: Visualizing Dante's ‘Divine Comedy,’” at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, March 25, in Gannett Auditorium. 讲座将阐述但丁的绘画创造力及其对视觉和表演艺术的影响.


总统办公室邀请社区成员提名有资格获得2024年奖项的个人或团队 President's Leadership and Service Award. Students, faculty members, exempt staff, non-exempt staff, 或者可以提名工会人员(不考虑自我提名). To nominate a person or team, please complete this form and submit it via email or campus mail to the Office of the President by 4 p.m. Monday, March 25.

President’s office hours ‌ ‌ ‌

•康纳总统的办公时间为下午3点至4点.m. Thursday, April 4. 所有的教师,工作人员和学生被邀请要求10分钟,面对面的约会. To register, please email 请求将按照收到请求的顺序处理.

‌Entrepreneurial Artist Forum 

‌The 11th Annual Entrepreneurial Artist Forum, “Leadership and the Creative Entrepreneur,” will take place at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28, at the Tang. Panelists include Tobi Ewing '15, Monica Steffey '19, Natalie Wilson '22, and Jamel Mosely, this year's Creative Entrepreneur-in-Residence. 院长多萝西·莫斯比(Dorothy Mosby)将致开幕词,布赖恩·维加拉(Brian Vergara ' 24)将主持讨论.

‌Spring Intramurals 

春季(3月25日至4月30日)的校内注册对所有火博体育教师开放, staff, and students. Register by Thursday, March 21. Contact Elizabeth Ghilardi with questions.‌



‌Friends of Skidmore Athletics 正在寻找对火博体育体育和学院做出杰出贡献的个人,以入选火博体育体育名人堂. Please submit your nomination online no later than Sunday, March 31.


‌Applications for the 2024年火博体育公共政策奖大赛 are due at 5 p.m. on Friday, April 12.

‌Library book club 

Scribner Library的非传统读书俱乐部欢迎火博体育社区的人们在下午4点到5点展示和分享他们正在阅读的书籍.m. on Thursday, March 21, in library room 128A. No registration is required. Contact Hannah Matecko-Conti with any questions. 

‌Altered book contest 

斯克里布纳图书馆正在征集所有参加第九届年度活动的个人和团队参赛作品 Altered Book Contest. 报名截止时间为4月12日(星期五)中午. Register online. 

‌Challahmore bake event and sale 

‌Challahmore will be selling challah from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Friday, March 29. Fill out an order form by 5 p.m. Thursday, March 28. Proceeds benefit the Wilton Food Pantry and SNACpack. Contact Martina Zobel with questions.

‌Dining Services 

‌Please visit the Dining Services website regularly for updates, Spa Specials, hours of operation, and other information.

Solar eclipse viewing glasses 

‌From approximately 2:30 to 4 p.m. on Monday, April 8, the moon will block 98.2% of the sun in the sky above Skidmore. 为了确保每个人都能安全地享受体验 Office of Communications and Marketing 为社区提供免费的火博体育牌日食眼镜. The glasses will be available for pickup from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 4月4日、5日和8日在火博体育商店外举行.


请通过在Skidmore每周公告中发布您的公告来帮助减少大量电子邮件, which is distributed to all students and employees. Submit announcements and events, academic lectures, and faculty-staff achievements by completing the appropriate online form. The deadline for all submissions is noon on Monday. Please email if you have questions.

Athletics News

本周将有四支纯种马球队在主场比赛:周五下午3点,棒球队主场迎战巴德队.m. in its Liberty League opener. 星期六中午,男子长曲棍球队将与圣. 劳伦斯垒球队将在两场比赛中迎战奥尼昂塔,下午1点.m. 男子网球队将在该项目的稳定比赛中对阵布兰代斯. Visit the Skidmore Athletics website for updates.


Thursday, March 21 

‌7 p.m. 

‌Dunkerley Dialogue with Yvette Molina and Adam Tinkle 

‌Tang Teaching Museum 

Friday, March 22 

‌7 p.m. 

‌'SALT — A Mosaic of Motherhood'

‌Arthur Zankel Music Center

‌Saturday, March 23 

‌2 p.m. 

Family Saturday: Photo Collages 

‌Tang Teaching Museum

‌Sunday, March 24 

‌2 p.m. 

‌Tang Guide Tour with Julia Johnson McGuigan '25 

‌Tang Teaching Museum

Tuesday, March 26 

‌7:30 p.m. 


‌Emerson Auditorium

Thursday, March 28 


‌Curator’s Tour of 'Isaac Julien: Lessons of the Hour' 

‌Tang Teaching Museum

‌Thursday, March 28 

‌7:30 p.m. 

‌Framing the Flesh: 'Crimes of the Future' (2022) 

‌Tang Teaching Museum

Questions about Bulletin?


Skidmore College

 815 North Broadway

 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
