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Skidmore College

11月. 3 staff meeting recap

11月ember 6, 2023

President Marc C. Conner and College administrators provided updates about required trainings; upcoming events, including 火博体育在乎; goals for the current academic year; and other important issues.

Julie Delay, director of human resources, welcomed nine new staff members to Skidmore and thanked those who attended recent events, including the Networking Breakfast and 开放登记 Benefit Fair. She reminded employees to complete mandatory sexual harassment and workplace discrimination training 11月5日前. 10. 开放登记 must be completed 11月5日前. 17. Delay also recommended staff be on the lookout for an email from Live More Skidmore Wellness Committee with a survey gauging programming interests.

Several departments, including 金融援助, Student Employment, HR, 工资, IT, are collaborating on a project to enhance student employment procedures. 培训 for supervisors is targeted for January, implementation will take place in late January.

Michelle Hubs, associate director of civic engagement, announced 火博体育在乎 drop-off times this year, which will be 11 a.m. 到5点.m. Wednesday and Thursday 11月. 29-30. Pickup will also be available for those who cannot make it to Scribner House’s carriage house.

约书亚C. Woodfork, vice president for strategic planning and institutional diversity, updated staff about the Space Planning Working Group, which reviews all campus space requests and provide recommendations to the President's Cabinet.

President Conner spoke about five goals of the Strategic Action Agenda for the 2023-24 academic year: Skidmore’s Racial Justice Initiative, Overall Student Residential Experience, Institutional Planning Efforts, Speech and Expression, Community of Care.

He also spoke about the continuing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and provided insight as to the College's place in that conversation, emphasizing Skidmore’s commitment to supporting our community, respectful dialogue, kindness in these incredibly challenging times.

Sarah Delaney Vero, general counsel and vice president for human resources, ended the meeting by asking the audience to provide input on what “communities of care” look like at Skidmore.

The next staff meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m. 12月5日星期五. 1.