
New staff and 教师 welcomed at first staff, 教师 meeting of the semester


President Marc Conner and administrators welcomed College employees back for the start of the 2023-24 academic year; introduced new staff, 教师, and cabinet members; and offered updates on important topics, including a February cybersecurity breach and next steps in Skidmore’s Vision and Values and Institutional Planning processes.  

President Conner began the first staff and 教师 meetings of the academic year Friday, 9月. 8、通过领导默哀为 迈克尔·凯西, former Collyer Vice President for 进步, and Skidmore rising sophomore 阿马杜·蒂亚姆26岁, who both died in tragic accidents over the summer.  

At the staff meeting, Director of 人力资源 Julie Delay introduced around 50 staff members who recently joined Skidmore. 后来在教员会议上,院长 the Faculty and Vice President for Faculty Affairs Dorothy Mosby welcomed a similar 新教师人数.  

President Conner also reintroduced members of the 总统内阁 火博体育社区. Dean Mosby, Vice President for Enrollment and Dean of 招生 and Financial 援助 Jessica Ricker, Vice President for Communications and Marketing Elizabeth Stauderman, and Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer Daniel Konstalid all joined Skidmore over the summer, while Sarah Delaney Vero, who has been a member of the  Skidmore community for several years, stepped into a new role as Skidmore's inaugural general counsel and vice president for human 资源. Carey Anne Zucca, Collyer Vice President for 进步, and Adrian Bautista, dean of students and vice president for student affairs, each joined Skidmore in 2021, 约书亚C. Woodfork continues his role as vice president for strategic planning 制度多样性.   

Chief Technology Officer Dwane Sterling discussed Skidmore’s response to a Feb. 17 cybersecurity breach and security measures implemented after the event. 他说火博体育 was able to respond quickly and limit the ransomware’s effect. 尽管火博体育有 not observed any leaked information in dark web scans, any individuals whose information was potentially exposed will be sent a letter with more information detailing protective next steps Skidmore is taking out of an abundance of caution. 斯特林总结道 强调…的重要性 基于应用的双因素认证 in order to ensure the continued safety of Skidmore’s servers. 他还指出 Skidmore would be announcing additional cyber safety steps in the coming period.  

President Conner discussed the College’s upcoming 机构规划时间表. 他注意到火博体育完成了他的 校园总体规划 in 2022. Through January 2024, Skidmore will continue work on its Visions and Values 项目. 他鼓励大家 employees to complete 简要调查 这将支持这一倡议. 校园总体规划ning and Vision and Values will both inform the drafting of Skidmore’s next Strategic Plan, a collaborative process that will begin in October and continue through May 2025; simultaneous accreditation by Middle States Commission on Higher Education; and ultimately Skidmore’s next capital 运动. 正如在 火博体育周刊, President Conner is holding office hours from 10 to 11 a.m. 星期三,9月. 27, 下午3点到4点.m. 星期四,11月. 2. (电子邮件 presoff@mokmingsky.com 注册.) He also encouraged everyone to attend a series of events taking place 9月. 18日至10月. 16, 美国的社会正义.S.墨西哥边境, part of the College’s Racial Justice Initiative. 他还邀请与会者参加 retrospective on the presidency of Philip Glotzbach on Oct. 18.  

In line with tradition and Skidmore’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, 教师 and staff affirmed their commitment to Skidmore’s 多元化和包容性 Statement, which was read aloud at both the 教师 and staff meetings. 伍德福克副总统 noted that the statement is now nearly a decade old and should be understood as a 活的文件.  

Dean Bautista gave updates on student move-in and the success of pre-orientation, which is now attended by more than half of all incoming students. 他鼓励大家 staff and 教师 to report any students they observe as struggling to the Student Assessment and Intervention Group.  

Dean Ricker ended the meeting by offering information about 火博体育2027届毕业生. She also spoke briefly about the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on race-conscious admissions, noting Skidmore's long-standing commitments to diversity and inclusivity 并承诺分享 more information about the College’s response 对未来会议的裁决.  

Both the 教师 and staff meetings were held in a hybrid format, allowing employees 亲自或在线参与. The next 教师 and staff meetings are scheduled 10月星期五. 6.